Saturday, August 31, 2019

ADHD: Effects and Management

The subject of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has undergone intense research in the past decade. Much of this is rooted in the fact that approximately 5% of children are affected with the disorder. Children with ADHD are identified as having increased behavioral difficulties because of excessive motor activities, poor self regulation and inattentiveness (Dulkan et al., 1997). It has been found that as many as 30% of children inflicted with ADHD have learning disabilities with academic underachievement becoming a common correlate. Since these children do not meet the expectations of society and their learning environment they are usually met with anger, punishment, and rejection. In turn these children develop a low-self esteem and low levels of motivation (Morgan, 1997). The etiology of ADHD is still a mystery to researchers. Within the field there are many correlates to biological (genetic) and social causes. The present paper seeks to explore current research through investigating the social and bio-genetic influence of ADHD on child intelligence. Testing and treatments of those with ADHD will also be discussed. In accordance with Dulcan et al. (1997) ADD, ADD-H, ADHD, although not identical, will be considered interchangeably due to similarity. Characteristics and Testing of ADHD Intelligence Even though ADHD occurs in people of every intelligence, a majority of children affected experience academic problems. These children may have specific learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, or may have multiple learning problems (Beiderman et al., 1993). In a study by MacLeod et al. (1996) comparing ADHD children with those unaffected, those with the disorder performed significantly worse than the others. Learning disabilities can be said to arise from attentional difficulties in the classroom setting. Many of these difficulties occur in tasks where listening and time is a factor. Reading disabilities have also been found as a result of ADHD (Millberger et al., 1991). Even though there is a higher prevalence of boys and those with low intelligence diagnosed, others with ADHD are impaired as well. Results have found that girls with this disorder face greater intellectual impairment, especially with picture vocabulary tasks, than boys or control girls (Seidman et al., 1997). There is also significant findings that the level of intelligence affects ADHD children in different ways. More specifically, those with both ADHD and normal to high intelligence are more prone to accidents, and have a smaller number of steady friends. Children who were identified with low intelligence and ADHD were found to have more behavioral and emotional problems in their adolescence. Long term studies have found that the outcome of these children was continued academic problems and school failures (Aman et al., 1996). However, there is suggestion ADHD children show greater artistic ability when writing or drawing slowly and precisely (Morgan, 1997). Testing the intelligence of ADHD involves a number of measures. Psychoeducational testing is used to assess intellectual ability and to search for learning disabilities. Tests such as the Wechler Intelligence Scale are used for intelligence testing, yet, much debate exists because of the need to change the test to meet the child's attention deficits (Braswell, 1991). A new intelligence test has been created by Naglieri (1997) called the Cognitive Assessment System to help diagnose and measure ADHD intelligence. This test is based on the premise that traditional tests don't measure processes such as planning and attention, which is essential in testing and detecting ADHD students. There is inconsistent data for the use of computerized tests of attention and vigilance for this purpose (Dulcan et al, 1997). In many cases the effects of ADHD on children†s intelligence is influenced by social factors. For instance studies show that symptoms become worse in situations which are unstructured, minimally supervised, boring, or require sustained attention or mental effort (Dulcan et al., 1997). A study by Greene et al. (1996) purports that learning disabilities are lead by difficulties in social functioning. There is an inverse deviation in IQ scores when related with increased social disability scores. The same study looked at teacher perceptions, which showed that the less likable and more aggressive the child was, the lower the performance. In researching verbal deficits in ADHD children, Faraone (1993) found many early intellectual problems linked with disruptive behavior such as hyperactivity and aggression. Data also shows that parental conflict, diminished family cohesion, and number of parents psychiatrically ill during the child's lifetime adversely affected intelligence scores (Greene et al., 1995). The researchers conclude that a significant correlation links IQ and social functioning. Another study by Biederman et al. (1995) shows similar results. Six factors were listed from the family environment which correlated with ADHD children's cognitive deficits. These include: severe marital discord, low social class, large family size, paternal criminal record, maternal mental disorder and foster home placement. This study asserts that children with ADHD have a more â€Å"malleable† IQ and are more adversely affected. The Greene et al. (1995) study, argues that family size is of no significance. Conversely, when investigating parental style and family influence on ADHD IQ levels, Naussbaum (1990) reports that little evidence exists. Poor school achievement for ADHD children is also associated with the need for immediate reinforcement. These children have been shown to perform as well as others in situations where consistent, immediate and positive reinforcement is in place. Rule governed behavior is additionally difficult for these students. Even when they understand the rules, they do not follow through with correct behavior, therefore the right social environment is necessary. Theories of Vygotsky†s such as â€Å"self talk† and social guidance were listed as possible influences (Braswell, 1990). Studies have found that lower intelligence in ADHD children is not socially mediated, but in fact rooted in genetics and human biology. In testing the families of these children, it has been shown that siblings show increased learning disabilities and higher rates of ADHD (Faraone, 1993). Family patterns show that approximately 20 to 30 percent of children with ADHD have a parent or sibling with similar problems. There is the suggestion that these children inherit a type of nervous system which makes them prone to learning disabilities (Nussbaum, 1990). Data from family risk, adoption, and twin research are supportive of this assertion (Braswell, 1991). However, recent research has indicated that ADHD and learning disabilities are transmitted independently in families and that their occurrence is due to non-random mating (Milberger et al., 1995). In looking at probands of parents, Biederman et al. (1993) also conclude ADHD and learning disabilities are independent, and rather due to random mating, therefore not etiologically dependent. Other researchers claim the intellectual deficit lies in physiological anomalies. More specifically, imbalance in the neurotransmitter systems of the brain, dysfunction in the reticular activating system, or a lag in brain development (Nussbaum, 1990). In determining if the neurocogonitive characteristic in individuals with resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH) are similar to those with ADHD, researchers have found that children with RTH have like deficient achievement levels as those with ADHD (Stein et al., 1995). There is also evidence that epinephrine (EPI) levels are lower in ADHD children. Urinary EPI levels are inversely related to fidgeting and aggression for second-grade ADHD students. During intelligence testing, results have shown that these EPI levels during a cognitive challenge is at least 40% lower than controls (Hanna et al., 1996). In a study which had subjects enhance beta activity and suppress theta in EEG activity during cognitive testing, those with ADHD improved in intelligence testing. Improvements were assumed to be a result of attention enhancement affected by EEG biofeedback (Linden et al., 1996). Improving Learning Disabilities in ADHD Children Investigating effectiveness of treatments of ADHD learning disabilities allows additional information on the social and bio-genetic causes of academic underacheivement related with this disorder. It has been stated that both instruction and contingency management is necessary to remedy academic deficits. Some techniques include; token economies, class rules, attention to positive behavior, as well as time out and response cost programs. Suggested to compliment and further increase probability of improvement is the alliance of parents, patient and school with the consideration of individual needs for the student and subsequently accommodating the environment to these needs. Scales such as the Academic Performance Rating Scale or daily report cards (due to necessity of immediate reinforcement) are useful in monitoring performance (Dulcan, 1997). Cognitive-behavioral interventions have also been shown to have a positive effect in academic achievement. Interventions such as self-instructional training, problem-solving training, attribution retraining and stress reduction procedure work as well. However well they work, these methods of interventions have not been widely implemented in treatment of ADHD children (Braswell, 1991). Many children are segregated into learning disability classes separate from other students. It is essential tutoring and resources be made for the child, however, many are able to learn at the same level with the other children. It has been found that many ADHD children are inappropriately placed in special education programs for the learning disabled. This is mainly because of social maladjustment, so extremes are not necessary. A percentage of ADHD students do exhibit normal intelligence but are socially inept. Therefore careful testing and diagnoses is imperative for the improvement of these youths. And by failing to provide interventions for their behavior problems, they may become restricted in their opportunities for academic success (Lopez et al., 1996). It is quite often found that the majority of ADHD children improve with psychopharmaceuticals, specifically stimulants such as Ritalin. Results reveal that medication related improvements include increased work output, improved accuracy and efficiency, and better learning acquisition (Dulkin et al., 1997). Learning and achievements in arithmetic, reading, and fine motor skills improve as well. There is a 70 to 90 percent response rate to stimulants (Gillberg et al., 1997). These results are quite dramatic in short term, but long term efficacy is still questioned (Braswell, 1991). There is much consensus in literature that a combination of treatment types is best to improve academic deficits. The cornerstones of treatment are support, education of parents, appropriate school placement, and psychopharmacology (Braswell et al., 1991; Dulcan et al., 1997; Gillberg et al., 1997; Nussbaum et al., 1990). In reviewing the current literature on how intelligence is affected by ADHD, it is easy to see that it is a subject yet to be firmly defined. Intelligence tests have been erroneously utilized in diagnosing and categorizing ADHD children and new tests must be developed in accordance to their disorder (Naglieri, 1997). The current increase in ADHD children seems somewhat suspicious. Is it an increase in the children, or a decrease in the deserved attention they are receiving from parents? The stimulant Ritalin is being overly diagnosed as a quick fix. There must be much more behavioral and parental/school attention intervention in order for this epidemic of hyper children to be curbed. It would be interesting to see this generation of Ritalin children grow. Intelligence and ADHD have been linked in twin and adoption studies to family, therefore these studies could still be testing quite different things. Other studies also have found links in hyperactivity and affect to genetic dispositions. In testing, it is hard to determine if it is genetic or environmental due to the fact that many with ADHD can also be without learning disorders (Beiderman et al., 1993). Therefore, if we are to label this as a disease a bio-social etiological approach is necessary in diagnosis, treatment and intelligence assessment.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility & Wal-Mart

An overview of Wal-Mart. In 2005, parts of Louisiana had the worst flooding on record. Thousands of people's lives were in danger and millions of Americans watched in horror as thousands of Americans were lying in the street without the essentials of life, some were clinging to roof tops, and lying in the streets without food, clothing or shelter. Wal-Mart saw the need to step in and help and reach out. † Inspired by its role in helping Katrina victims, Wal-Mart looked at the impact a company its size could have throughout the world on a daily basis if it embraced corporate social responsibility† (CSR). Ferdinand p. 1) Recently, Haiti and Chili were hit with devastating earthquakes. Who is responsible to help? Wal-Mart felt socially responsible to help. Each business is responsible for having a code of conduct and acting in accordance of its economics, commercial and social goals. Ethical standards should be a part of all businesses. The goal is to practice ethical behavi or and always have an intention to being honest, fair and truthful. This is being socially responsible.Social Responsibility is: â€Å"Obligation of an organization's management towards the welfare and interests of the society which provides it the environment and resources to survive and flourish, and which is affected by the organization's actions and policies† (Business dictionary). Walmart has accepted social responsibility as a part of its organization. It has worked very hard in the past several years to show how it is not just responsible for its employees, but it is also socially responsible to help a society that needs its products and services on many levels.Jag will explain the policies and procedures of social responsibility. Wal-Mart's mission statement: â€Å"Saving people money, so they can live better† speaks to the value that Walmart places in corporate social responsibility. Walmart has a philosophy of operating globally while giving back locally. Acc ording to Wal-Mart's corporate website, Walmart provides â€Å"financial and volunteer support to more than 100,000 charitable and community-focused organizations†. The Walmart Foundation was developed to help support large and small organizations with programs that serve on state and national levels.In addition to monetary giving and in-kind donations, Walmart has set responsible sourcing initiatives with its global suppliers to create meaningful and positive change, both environmentally and socially. For example, Walmart is requiring â€Å"all direct import suppliers to source 95 percent of their production from factories that receive one of two highest audit ratings for social and environmental practices. † Furthermore, Walmart uses an approach called â€Å"Sustainability 360† which is a business strategy developed to minimize waste, increase efficiency and find ways to support communities and suppliers that make the business successful.This approach involves redesigning its stores to be more energy efficient and produce lower greenhouse gas emissions, reducing its carbon footprint from its fleet of trucks, reducing plastic bag waste by offering reusable bags, encouraging suppliers to develop more environmentally friendly packaging of products to help reduce waste, and even training its Ethical Sourcing auditors to be tasked with supplier development, or special investigation functions. Furthermore, Walmart carries energy efficient products that are good for the environment, and ultimately help consumers save on energy bills.These products are featured in weekly promotions to help create awareness and educate on energy efficiency. For a company the size of Walmart, the need to be socially responsible is vital is sustaining business. Work Referenced: Business Dictionary. (2010) Social Responsibility. Retrieved December 6, 2010, from http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/social-responsibility. html Ferdinand, A. (2007) Wal-Mart d etermined to lead in Corporate responsibility. Retrieved December 6, 2010, http://www. mccombs. utexas. edu/news/pressreleases/Blackwell07. asp

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Models of Decision Making

One poor decision that I made more than a year ago happened when I was a member of the committee of a small, preliminary business company somewhere in Texas, which was only starting to burst in less than ten years of operation.   Having read from articles that IT had become such an integral part of the business strategies of most companies nowadays because it made lots of money, assisted in terms of management and information, and that it kept records safer and faster, the thought made me think that IT was really what we needed.   We were on the brink of entering the next higher stage of business. We did brainstorming about the next strategy to implement by the following year, so that the business would be more successful and prominent for the next stage of business.   I suggested about investing with IT equipments, as this would have extended our markets and services to be able to reach out to more customers in further states.   The decision turned out to be a poor one because of misapprehension and negligence, as well as the wrong choice of strategy and application. Major Analysis Using the ‘rational model’ in making individual decisions, the decision that I used in performing an IT investment to the business can be outlined as follows: I. Forming the decision A.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Identifying the problem 1. There was a problem in terms of functional and systems approach, as the manufacturing was not smooth and orderly, and the tasks were not done efficiently. 2.There was a problem when it came to supply chain management, especially that the ingredients should have already been ready by the time the orders were sent. 3.There was a problem when it came to efficient floor management, so that the preparation did not flow smoothly and quickly. B. Generating alternative solutions 1. Improve functional system by improving strategies, tasks, and goals. 2.Improve supply chain system by exchanging tighter coordination with the supplier companies. 3. Improve IT system by using the investment finance. C. Selecting a solution 1.The chosen alternative should solve or alleviate as much problems as it can handle. 2. The chosen alternative should be strategically and financially acceptable. 3.The chosen alternative should present values, information, and skills that could be availed from the existing environment. II.Negative consequences of the decision A.Negative financial consequences 1. About 68% of the total available fund did not bring about the expected results. 2.Overall profit landed at merely $97,000, with a loan amounting to $200,000 plus company expenses. B.Negative motivational consequences 1.The staffs and the committee lost motivation after being announced that the company had lost more than half of the expected returns. 2.The staffs and the committee lost motivation because the company almost fell to bankruptcy. C.Negative personal feedback 1. I lost my position as the second adviser of the finance administration. 2.I was almost fired from the company. III.Importance of the decision A.Importance to the company 1. The decision would have solved problems in functional, supply chain, and efficient floor management. 2.The decision would have created a link and opportunity with strong IT companies in the environment. B.Importance to the higher staffs 1.Improvement in the functional and efficient floor management would have led to higher profits and bigger returns. 2. Improvement in profits and returns would have led to bigger opportunities and investments. C.Importance to me 1.The decision, if it were successful, would have promoted me as the first adviser of the finance administration. 2. The decision, if it were successful, would have motivated me to do bigger projects amid the risks. Three decision theories, which were exercised in the planning and implementation of the decision were the following: First and foremost is the ‘rational model’, which centers on comprehensive rationality and the sense of the alternatives.   The rational model arrives at a decision by going over the four distinct steps: first is identifying the problem; second is generating alternative solutions; third is selecting the solution; fourth and final is implementing and evaluating the solution (Baker III, 2001, p.1).   It presents the decision-making process by helping me, first, in pointing out what exactly is the problem in the company; then by thinking of the alternatives that can be used, which would solve the issues that were at hand. Second decision theory that was used in the planning and implementation of the decision is the ‘political model’, which uses the organization as a coalition, with procedural rationality having to control the decision making process.   In this model, what controls are the following aspects: first is environmental uncertainty; second is resource dependence; third is task interdependence; fourth and final is goal conflict (Rotman School of Management, 2001, p.4).   The rationality of the procedure appears to be most important. Third theory that was used in the decision making process is the ‘instance-based model’, wherein decisions are based on instances and the chosen alternative sprouts through ‘accumulated experience’ (Gonzalez&Lebiere, 2004, p.8).   Because we have known other companies that became successful after investing in the IT, such as Vanguard Group, then it became reasonable for us that our company will also succeed in terms of IT investment.   We failed to conclude that the internal and external environments are two very important factors. Conclusion Based on my analysis in the recent pages, it appears that making judgments and decisions for a company should not rely solely on one person or group of persons.   There should be brainstorming from different groups that believe on different ways and strategies.   People make judgments almost too hastily.   Each factor should be analyzed slowly and efficiently, especially when it comes to the finances and the returns of the finances. As for me, I have learned the lesson that it takes two to tango†¦ not just two, in fact; the more there is then the better.   It is good to make decisions in pairs†¦ but a great deal better if we do them in numerous pairs. References Baker III, E.   (2001).   Decision making.   Retrieved November 23, 2007, from Dr. H. Eugene Baker’s Homepage: Rotman School of Management.   (2001).   Contingency framework: models of decision making.   Retrieved November 23, 2007   

Unit 3 Theoretical Criminology Anomie Theory Essay

Unit 3 Theoretical Criminology Anomie Theory - Essay Example Indeed, the above fact can be used to account for white-collar crime. Of interesting to note is that mertonian approaches leaned towards white-collar crime and the anomie theory was used in explaining this kind of crime. This is based on the fact that the theory tends to explain why crime occurs and as such this can be used to explain why there is occurrence of white collar crime. Notably, criminals adopting cultural endorsed objective or goals of financial success illegally mainly characterize white-collar crime. Most white-collar crimes are related to the need of the offenders to gain money or other stuffs in order to fit in particular social classes or culture. This is more seen in criminals who are out there to become richer than before. As such, social and cultural factors, as considered by Merton, influence white collar jobs (Gomme 56). To emphasize on this, some researches carried out have showed that most convicted white collar criminals were caught while still working and they claim that they were trying to achieve economic success through illegal means (Akers and Sellers 45). As such, they can be said to be innovators given that at the time of committing crime they were after economic success. Innovators are considered to be those individuals who continually embrace material and monetary success as a goal to follow; however, they turn to criminal activities to achieve this success. Street gangs are groups formed mainly youth who are not capable of obtaining what they require through conventional means. Indeed, through these streets groups, the individuals find money and friendship and most of what they desire. Using strain theory, one may attempt to explain how various factors such as homelessness, poverty, lack of opportunity and parenting largely contribute to the formation of crime and crime (Warner and Flower 511). In relation to

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Alibaba Group in the Marketplace of China Case Study

Alibaba Group in the Marketplace of China - Case Study Example The case describes the corporate strategy of Alibaba Group, one of the leading e-commerce international organizations. The company was started in the year 1999, and since then it had grown rapidly and grasped the e-commerce market through their business approaches. Despite the financial turmoil in a global business environment, Alibaba Group had placed itself strongly in the market and beset the difficulties to progress further. The aggressive growth strategy had helped the organization to achieve the competitive advantage. The company started providing basic facilities to its users and increased its customer base. Problem Statement The creation of corporate advantage at Alibaba Group has been discussed in this segment. It also deals with the fact that if the corporate advantage thus created is sustainable. Alternative Solutions and Approaches to the Problem The main strategy which provides Alibaba Group with corporate advantage is its series of growth movements. Alibaba Group had ex panded its market reach rapidly with the introduction of Taobao in the year 2003, which is an internet shopping platform. Jack Ma understood the prospects in the e-commerce sector and accordingly had taken possible steps to achieve higher market share. The keyword bidding was becoming beneficial in China, therefore, Taobao launched â€Å"Zhi Tong Che† service in the year 2008 which provides people to bid for keywords in exchange of special advertisement status. As trust is one of the vital factors for performing business in China, Taobao had introduced â€Å"Alipay† service in the year 2004. Through this service, the company successfully eliminated the settlement risk of payment which had assisted to generate faith among sellers and customers. In the year 2005, Alibaba Group had acquired â€Å"China Yahoo!† in order to strengthen its market presence. This strategy lets Alibaba Group integrate and join resources for development. The other strategy of Alibaba Grou p included investing in the international market to attract more customers. In the year 2006, the company had invested in â€Å"†. Besides, the company has also started the joint business with â€Å"Softbank Corporation† in Japan.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Training paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Training paper - Essay Example lags behind many Asian countries. Why has the U.S. been able to maintain a competitive advantage as a global leader in science and technology? How can training and development and organizations’ business strategies contribute to maintaining a competitive advantage in science and technology in the future? The U.S. has been able to maintain its competitive advantage as a global leader in science and technology because of the huge budget awarded by the government to fund basic research and education in all fields of science and engineering including those conducted in American colleges and universities (National Science Board , par 3). Training and development and organization’s business strategies can contribute to maintaining a competitive advantage in science and technology in the future by allocating a portion of their earnings to funding research and development. The management of organizations should be supportive of â€Å"ongoing learning and application of trained skills† (Strategic training 7). Companies must also encourage their employees to pursue further studies in their field or attend seminars and conferences to update themselves of the latest trends in the industry. It would also help if the organization can hire consultants who are experts in their field who can train their employees. Research has shown that tuition reimbursement programs have a positive effect on employee turnover. A study by Pattie, Benson and Baruch showed that tuition reimbursement reduces the turnover intention of employees (2006). However, they also mentioned that if the degree that the employee is pursuing is not related to his current job position, then the likelihood that the employee will leave the company is high. This finding is in agreement with Becker’s Human Capital Theory

Monday, August 26, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 26

History - Essay Example After this war Britain came up victorious and this also eradicated fear of French attack on the colonies. Colonies did not have to worry about their own defense (from French) and therefore their reliance on British decreased significantly. British also were heavily indebted due to the expenses on the war so they increased taxes of the colonies. It was a tradition at that time to impose taxes on colonies in order to earn more revenue. This was also a reason for the disgruntlement of the people of colonies. They felt that they were under slavery and this played a major role in the revolution. British Empire had colonies all over the world and they wanted to extend their power. For this reason they forced all their colonies to trade with themselves only. Through Navigation Act British Empire forced the American colonies to trade with British only and restricted trade with France and Spain. This was economically crushing American colonies and they had their reservation on the act. Sugar Act was another piece of legislation that increased the problems of the American Colonies. The act increased duties on imported sugar and this forced American colonies to stop using British goods. The timing of this act was a problem. It came at a time when people were already suffering from depression and this Act angered people more. They thought that they were being exploited. Currency Act was also a controversial act that restricted the colonies from printing money. British Empire thought that the devalued currency of colonies was hurting their economy therefore they forbade colonist from paying British traders in the colonist currency. This really made life difficult for the American colonies. People had to pay higher and this deprived them from their hard earned money. Currency Act can be regarded as a derogatory piece of legislation that was aimed at hurting the colonies of America. This was a major cause of the American Revolution. The tipping point

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Socioeconomic status of Afro Brazilians in the favelas of Brazil Term Paper

Socioeconomic status of Afro Brazilians in the favelas of Brazil - Term Paper Example It was during this period that Brazil was known as one of the countries known for its involvement in the slave trade the slaves were Africans, which were the blacks. These slaves were to work for the whites both in their farms and in homes, and they were exposed to humiliating roles. These discoveries trace its origin to archeological finding resulting from recent excavation, which was carried out during the preparation for the Olympics and the world cup football competition (Stanley, 2005). These African slaves multiplied and thus increasing in number until they constituted to half the population of Brazil, which are mostly found in places meant for the poor in the society. Social segregation witnessed in Brazil was contributed by the delay in the abolishment of the slave trade in the country; Brazil was the last country in America to abolish the trade. Slavery in Brazil is, however, different from the rest of the US this is because they were treated differently. Brazilian slaves ha d an opportunity to exercise their freedom, which involve purchasing for their freedom whereby the already freed blacks will assist to free other slaves through the collection of money. Freed blacks who work in gold mines as gold miners and merchants in Ouro Preto would build expensive baroque churches as a way of thanking God for their excellent fortune. Brazilian government passed out a law in favor of children of slaves to be freed and allowed to attend schools just like those of the whites, which is contrary to what was happening in the US (Bernardo, 2008). Effects of the slave trade in Brazil and delay to abolish the slave trade in the country has contributed significantly in defining Brazilians status even in the recent society. Slave trade contributed in the definition of a given society in the recent time with such a society being characterized with firm social segregation seen in the society. Brazil is viewed in the recent times as a country characterized by inequality evid ent between the rich and the poor. The society consists of two groups that are the middle class and the bottom class, the white fall in the high class while the blacks are the bottom class (Carl, 2001). This form of segregation characterize Brazil in the recent times, which can be changed through advancing for affirmative action and instilling quotas during admission of both blacks and whites in public universities. Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro the capital city of Brazil, the city consist of two distinct classes that are the poor and the rich thus a preferred city of choice for the study of segregation. The rich and the poor in Rio de Janeiro live nearest to each other; the rich who are the whites live in magnificent homes while the blacks live in slums commonly referred to as Favela. The living style of these groups are different hence has contributed to distinction and discrimination, which is evident and has contributed to insecurity, theft and other cases of crimes usually perc eived to be performed by the blacks (Carl, 2001). Significant disparities exist between the rich and the poor in the city with one fifth of the inhabitants reside in slums (favelas), which consist of poorly regulated houses. The city of Rio has both blacks and the whites, but unlike other cities in America, the blacks are not given an opportunity to serve any position in leadership. Socioeconomic activities are significant in improving the living standards

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Study on the below clearing houses Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Study on the below clearing houses - Assignment Example LCH Clearnet also specializes in risk management operations, thereby following a world-class risk management framework that provides exceptional levels of protection to international markets, which is evident through the management of recent defaults. As demand for superior quality clearing services continues to rise, the company is committed to attaining the pinnacle standards of risk management across all asset classes cleared. London Stock Exchange Group, which is a diversified international exchange group based in London, England, is the majority owner of LCH Clearnet (LCH Clearnet 2013). Figure 1: LCH group organizational structure (Source: Federal Reserve 2011) European Multilateral Clearing Facility (EMCF) EMCF is a clearing house headquartered in Netherlands. Their line of operations includes equity trades that are done on multilateral trading facility throughout Europe or on designated stock exchange. The company was established after the Markets in Financial Instruments Dir ective (MiFID) regulations were passed by the European Union. This directive allowed competition of services provided by the clearing houses. EMCF played a significant role in bringing down the cost of clearing within Europe by competing directly with other established clearing houses, thereby forcing them to reduce prices. The company has been delivering the most translucent and expected pricing for CCP clearing services all over Europe (EMCF 2013a). Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) is a US post-trade financial services company that provides clearing and settlement services to their customers in the financial markets. The company provides a safe and efficient way for buyers and sellers of securities to conduct their exchange. In addition to that, they also provide central custody of securities. The primary function of the company is risk management and they have continued to do so since their inception about 40 years ago. The company is a combination of the Depository Trust Company (DTC) and National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC). With 40 years of experience, DTCC, through its subsidiaries, is the premier post-trade market infrastructure for the global financial services industry (DTCC 2013a). Figure 2: DTCC organizational structure (Source: The official board 2013) SIX Swiss Exchange SIX Swiss Exchange, formerly known as the SWX Swiss exchange, headquartered in Zurich, is one of the two primary stock exchanges in Switzerland. The company also trades other securities such as, Swiss government debt instruments and derivative instruments such as, stock options. Swiss Market Index (SMI) is the main stock market index for the company. The index mainly constitutes of the 20 most noteworthy equity-securities, evaluated on the basis of the free float market capitalization. SIX Swiss Exchange was the first stock exchange in the world known to have implemented a fully automated trading, clearing and settlement system in the year 1995 (SIX 2013a). SIX Swiss Exchange is also the joint owner of Eurex, the largest futures and derivatives exchange in the world, alongside their German counter partners, Deutsche Borse (SIX 2013b). The exchange has a blue-chip index as its principal stock market index. The Swiss Market Index (SMI) comprises of a maximum of twenty of the largest and most liquid large and mid-cap SPI stocks. Figure 3: SIX Swiss organizational structure The executive committee includes: (Source: Nobel Biocare 2013) 2.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Hochschild viewpoint Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hochschild viewpoint - Essay Example Every time an employee was lost, much money was lost in the training and recruitment of new ones. The company tried to deal with this issue by offering a variety of remedial that included the solution to balance in work and family for instance, part time and sharing of jobs. To her surprise many families preferred to work more than to be with their children and family members. Hochschild interviews like six families watching on how they operate during the day and night. She also interviews various levels of professional and is surprised by what she hears. The employees at Amerco concentrate so much at work that they forget the essentials. Hochschild as a female analyzed the enormous entry of women into the labor force. It looked fair and obvious that as women left their various homes every morning along men to their various jobs to build the economy and maintain their families as they returned from work should share the house chores which never happened. Instead, as they came from work women took to all home responsibilities. Hochschild referred to it as a double shift as women worked both at work and at home (Hochschild, Pp 15) Nevertheless, there is a superwoman who can multitask and perfect both at work and home. In the present most women are faced with the challenge of what was considered a full time works in the past generation. To make it worse, as cutting workers size has occurred, the hours of work have been added for everybody. Hochschild in her book tried to show the extent to which time is ever limited that they cannot fulfill their obligations both at home and work. Statistics show that women who have small children spend more time at work than the ones with no children. â€Å"Family values and reversed worlds† according to Hochschild tries to show how various family values have been invaded by work efficiencies and time pressures while places have turned out to be temporary homes for these

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ethic Essay Essay Example for Free

Ethic Essay Essay Assume that Mark pledge to look after his sister’s son while she goes to the grocery store to buy some food. Instead, he goes to a computer shop to play poker in the internet. Supposedly, Mark should find another person to baby-sit the son of his sister. This is the moral responsibility of Mark for his obligations to the child and his mother. Secondly, Mark’s sister has also a moral responsibility in circumstances when it would be right to ethically commend or hold responsible Mark for his actions. If Mark failed to find a baby-sitter, he is morally responsible for the failure of his sister to buy some food in the grocery store. Mark’s actions are reflected to moral agents. Agents are reflects to situations and intensions of actions (Q1 Q2). I found my self altruistic to other people. If I have something (i. e. some money, food, clothes, etc. ), I intend to give it to other people. I didn’t count those things but I just want to help other people even at small things. Altruism in ethical concept in psychology is the purposeful pursuit of welfare of other people and/or public interest. In layman’s term, the concept of altruism is the unselfishness of one person for the welfare of other people (other than his/her family). I find it odd since I’m attracted towards helping other people like beggars and street people and charities rather than giving help my family’s lives (Q3 Q4). The top three values I have are being altruistic, kind, and serious. I think these values came from my family and the culture we have. I also think that being altruistic and kind are some of the professional ethics in psychology that are most compatible with my personal values. The notion of psychological egoism I believed is the notion where people are inspired by self-interest and concerns to others for the reason that this kindness will be returned back to them and will benefit them. (ETHICAL PRINCIPLES OF PSYCHOLOGISTS AND CODE OF CONDUCT, 2002). Conversely, this is only a viewpoint of how things are but not what is expected to happen or ought to be (Q5 Q6). References ETHICAL PRINCIPLES OF PSYCHOLOGISTS AND CODE OF CONDUCT. (2002) American Psychological Association.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Ohio State University Essay Example for Free

Ohio State University Essay I believe that I would be a positive addition to the Ohio State University community because of my varied background and experiences. My personal background is itself diverse and has given me the perspective of belonging to two cultures. I was born in Korea but came to the United States during my childhood and attended high school in this country. This was initially challenging but I adapted well, and I consider it a valuable experience in my life because it immersed me in a different culture and language. After high school, I returned to my native Korea to fulfill my military obligation and served for three years. I matured considerably during this period, and I believe that my time in the service prepared me well for the demands of university life. I want to attend the Ohio State University because I consider it an excellent institution, and my life experiences have let me develop several necessary character strengths. Being raised in two distinctly different societies has given me a unique perspective on cultural diversity. Also, I have a strong academic background and, thanks to my military service, I have developed a strong work ethic and a mature character which will let me participate meaningfully and effectively in university life. I consider myself a capable, mature, disciplined individual, and being a student at Ohio State will give me the opportunity to develop these characteristics even further and let me be a productive and positive addition to the university community.

Celiac Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Celiac Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments Define: Celiac disease is commonly mistaken as a severe food allergy; this is not the case. Celiac disease is an acute auto-immune disorder where, when a person ingests gluten it leads to the injury of the small intestine. Gluten is found in rye, barley and wheat. When someone with celiac disease ingests something with gluten in it, their body overreacts to the gluten and damages their villi. Villi are a very small finger-like feathers found along the wall of the small intestine. When the villi are damaged, the small intestine cant properly absorb nutrients from food. Villi allow nutrients from food to be absorbed through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream. Without healthy villi, a person becomes malnourished, it doesnt matter how much food a person eats, theyll never get enough nutrients. Complications Ultimately, this leads to loss in proper nutrition, miscarriages, infertility, cancers and many other serious medical conditions may occur. Malnutrition The injury to the small intestine means the villi cant absorb enough nutrients to maintain a healthy body. Lack of nutrition can lead to weight loss and anemia. In kids, lack of nutrition can cause slowed growth and short height. Osteoporosis Lack ofabsorption of vitamin D and calcium may lead to a softening of the bone in kids and osteoporosis in adults. Miscarriage Infertility Lack of absorption of calcium and vitamin D can help contribute to reproductive problems. Lactose intolerance Injury to your small intestine may cause you to experience abdominal pain and diarrhea after eating dairy products. Cancer Individuals with celiac disease who dont sustain a gluten-free intake have a larger risk of developing numerous forms of cancer, including small bowel cancer and intestinal lymphoma. Neurological problems People with celiac disease can develop neurological disorders such as seizures or peripheral neuropathy. Symptoms: Celiac disease can be hard to diagnose due to some of the symptoms are very similar to other diseases like lactose intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome. chronic diarrhea gas bloating, or a feeling of fullness or swelling in the abdomen constipation nausea stomach pain pale, foul-smelling, or fatty stools that float vomiting delayed puberty failure to thrive in infants damage to the permanent teeths enamel mood changes or feeling annoyed or impatient weight loss slowed growth and short height Causes: The cause for celiac disease is not know as of yet. Studies have shown that celiac disease can be triggered ( or be activated after a pregnancy or having surgery or overcoming severe emotional distress. But its still not clear why. Celiac disease can affect anyone anywhere, but there is a pattern. You are more likely to contract it if you have the following ( A family member with the celiac disease Down syndrome or turner syndrome Autoimmune thyroid disease Microscopic colitis Type 1 diabetes Addisons disease Down syndrome or turner syndrome Rheumatoid arthritis According to the University of Chicago Medicine the prevalence of celiac disease in the United States is as follows: In average healthy people: 1 in 133 In people with related symptoms: 1 in 56 In people with first-degree relatives (parent, child, sibling) who are celiac: 1 in 22 In people with second-degree relatives (aunt, uncle, cousin) who are celiac: 1 in 39 Age at diagnosis Chance of developing autoimmune condition 4-12 yrs of age 16.7% 12-20 yrs of age 27% Over 20 yrs of age 34% Celiac disease is estimated to range between 0.6 and 1 percent of the worlds population ( Treatment: Celiac disease cannot be cured and currently there are no drugs that treat celiac disease. However, it can be managed. For most people a gluten free diet is the most effective way to prevent flare ups with their small intestine. Eating any amount of gluten, no matter now tiny it may be will can cause damage to the villi of the small intestine and stop a person from gaining the nutrition that they need. Antibody levels take a long time to normalize after a person has stopped consuming gluten and eating just a tiny bit can pitch their entire system out of equilibrium. Eating a gluten free diet isnt as horrible as it may seem. Despite having some harsh dietary restrictions, people with celiac disease can still eat gluten free breads, pastas as well as potato, rice, soy and bean flour! Citations

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Handling the Issues of Rage and Murder in Poetry :: Education for Leisure The Hitcher Poems Essays

Handling the Issues of Rage and Murder in Poetry The two poems I am going to analyse are 'Education for Leisure' by Carol Ann Duffy and ' The Hitcher. These poems both have potentially dangerous speakers. The first line of 'Education for leisure' contains murderous feeling, this grabs the reader and submerses them into the poem. "Today I am going to kill something. Anything" The poet uses direct and powerful words, by using the word 'something' instead of 'someone' the poet makes it unclear what the speaker wants to kill. In 'Education for Leisure' the speaker thinks that his readiness to kill makes him somehow smarter then anyone else. This is shown when the speaker says; "I am a genius..." The speaker seems to kill for killing sake. This sadism is shown in line five when the speaker says; I squash a fly against the window with my thumb. We did that at school. Shakespeare." This can be interpreted in two ways, one way is that killing and Shakespeare can be associated with boredom. The other way is a line from 'King Lear' By William Shakespeare "As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; They kill us for their sport." (4.1.57-58) Carol Ann Duffy uses this a another way of symbolising the speakers delusional view that he is a God. The poet reinforces the point that the speaker is delusional when he says; "The cat avoids me. The cat Knows I am a genius, and has hidden itself." The speaker thinks here that the cat thinks he is a God and has hidden out of fear, he thinks the whole planet revolves around himself. The speaker also thinks he is famous. " I dial the radio and tell the man he's talking to a superstar. He cuts me off." By now the speaker is probably getting very frustrated, he then takes a drastic step. "I get our bread-knife and go out. The pavements glitter suddenly. I touch your arm." By saying 'your arm' instead of 'someone's arm' Carol Ann Duffy brings the reader into the poem by making the point that people like the speaker do exist and this sort of thing could happen. The speaker in 'The Hitcher' is observably feeling very depressed. "I'd been tired under the weather," The speaker is presumably mentally ill, he picks up a hitcher " Leeds" One difference 'The Hitcher' has to 'Education for Leisure' is that in 'The hitcher' we know someone is killed. "I let him have it on the top road out of Harrogate - once with the head, then six times with the krooklok in the face..." even though we're not directly told that the hitcher is dead it's

Monday, August 19, 2019

How Shall We Care for Our Frail Elders? :: essays research papers fc

How Can We Best Care for our Frail Elders?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The issue of what constitutes â€Å"best† care for the elderly is not easily identified nor readily defined. There are widely differing points of view, each with its own strengths and limitations. In addition, arguments are often full of bias and assumptions, making it even more challenging to form an intelligent opinion regarding this difficult problem. Differing points of view provide a variety of evidence, biases, and assumptions to be examined and interpreted before coming to a personal conclusion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alan Sager, an associate professor at Boston University’s School of Medicine, is in favor of a national health insurance policy that guarantees â€Å"quality health care for everyone† (Sager, 152). He insists that the government already spends enough to provide health care coverage for every citizen (Sager, 153). He presents a four-part plan with health care for all with no out-of-pocket expenses, financially neutral physicians and health-care professionals, hospitals operating on limited budgets, and freedom for each individual to choose a caregiver (Sager, 157). Sager provides many specific percentages, dollar amounts, and population numbers to supply supporting evidence. However, his attacks on Medicare distract from his proposed plan. (Sager, 155).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Richard Lamm, former governor of Colorado and current professor at the University of Denver, asks some difficult questions as he challenges the priorities in our current health care system where â€Å"we spend too much money on high-technology care for a few and too little on basic health care for the many† (Lamm, 160). He also carefully cites percentages and population figures in his evidence statements. However, Lamm’s biases weaken his argument drastically. He over-uses â€Å"hot† adjectives and draws parallels that do not represent evidence but rather pull at the readers’ emotions (‘pain-racked existence,† â€Å"spend fantastic amounts,† â€Å"small chance of survival,† â€Å"over treating our sick and under educating our kids† (Lamm, 159-160).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The complexities of this situation run deep. There are no simple answers or one-time, one-size-fits-all solutions. There is not one correct answer. Some of the reasons for many of the uncertainties that cause this problem to be so complex are: 1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Extreme measures are being taken to extend the lifetime of very old people 2)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sometimes when life is extended the quality of life may be severely reduced 3)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  People with Alzheimer’s and Dementia are no longer fully aware of their surroundings 4)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The elderly have already lived for decades 5)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Opinions about the sanctify of life vary widely. Once an open-ended problem has been identified, the solutions offered must be examined for bias, assumptions, and objections.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Technology and Individualization in Education Essay -- Technological I

Technology and Individualization in Education Technology is a major influential factor in the progression of education. Technology has allowed for many positive advances in education, allowing for more efficient, more individualized learning. The introduction of computers in education has provided countless benefits to students, and enhanced learning greatly. Students now have a much broader wealth of information in which they can get knowledge from, and more specialized learning. Education will continue to be benefited by technology as progression continues. Individualization in education should be an ultimate goal, and this can only be achieved through technology. Technology should continue to be an influential factor in education. Computers have been the most influential form of technology to affect education. Many experts are critical of computers in the classroom. Dennis Gooler suggests that computers institute a gender gap, and that serious questions need to be addressed before computers are allowed in classrooms. He says that boys are much more inclined to use computers, and that girls will be left behind in the technology craze. I think that the way to solve this problem is to have computers in schools and promote their use by both genders. Computers allow for students to learn individually, and to gain access to a plethora of knowledge that has recently become accessible. There are many ways that computers have benefited learning. Studies have proven that computers in the classroom cause students to get better grades, because their learning is based on personal learning styles. Before computers were invented, all papers had to b e typed out in typewriters. Computers have made typing papers much easie... ...ucation. Our society is in a constant state of progression through technology, and it is only right that education is included. Education is positively effected by technology in many ways, and will continue to be benefited, until individualized education is achieved. Advancement occurs all throughout the Bible, and the importance of education is stressed. I believe that God is pleased when the two come together for an advantageous outcome. Works Cited 1) Gooler, Dennis D. â€Å"Computers in the Classroom: What is the effect on the Gender Gap?† Stanford March 1998: 1-10. 9 November 2001.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Women 100 Years Ago and Women Today

Loftus 1 How Religion Has Affected My Life I've been going to church with my grandparents for as long as I can remember. I've always been a part of church related activities. We always said grace before we ate a meal. I said my prayers before I went to bed. I was baptized when I was born. I had my first communion. I was a very religious little kid and I always had God in my life. Of course, I only did all those things because I thought I was supposed to. I just thought it was something that everybody in the world did. But, as I got older I learned that it was all just a part of my religion.I also learned that not everyone had the same religion as I did. There were many different religions. There were even some people that didn't have a religion. Once I realized all of those things, I started asking questions. Why was I catholic? Why did I have to go to church every Sunday? Why is it so important? I asked my grandmother these questions and her only response was, â€Å"It's because Je sus died on the cross for us. † But I still had the question lingering in my head: Why? My mother and father never went to church with us. My mom would drop us off a religion classes but that was about it.When I asked my mom why she'd never gone to with us she had said, â€Å"I don't believe that you have to go to church every Sunday to show your appreciation for God. † That really had me thinking, if my mom and dad never went, did I really have to go? I certainly didn't like sitting in the cold for an hour listening to people singing terribly and other people talking about things I never understood. Always standing up and sitting down every couple of Loftus 2 minutes. It got very old, very fast. By the time I was a teenager, I got really tired of the same old thing.That's when it all started. At the age of thirteen all I wanted to do was hang out with my friends. They weren't the best of people but they accepted me and that's all I cared about. I started being more lik e them. Wearing all black, doing my make up really heavily, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, experimenting with drugs. I turned into the complete antithesis of the girl I was when I was younger. My family definitely started to notice. My mom and dad said it was just a phase but my grandmother thought I was starting to become a â€Å"devil worshiper†. She orced me to go to church with them. I was forced to go to religion class. I got the you-need-Jesus-in-your-life talk every time I was around my grandma. That is when I really started to resent everything that had to do with my religion. My grandmother had pushed me to my breaking point. I didn't want anything to do with God or Jesus. When asked, I always told people I didn't have a religion. I was against it. I refused to go to church or religion class. I stopped saying grace before I ate. I stopped saying prayers before I went to sleep. I even stopped believing there was a God.This caused a lot of tension between my gra ndmother and I. We never saw eye to eye on anything. We were always arguing over something. She always told me that she never thought she'd have a granddaughter like me. She expected me to be more of a lady. I couldn't stand being around her. I didn't tell her anything. She had forced religion on me to the point that I didn't want to have a religion anymore. It even caused me to think I hated her. You could only imagine how much harder it got once my mom lost our house and we had to move into my grandparent's house.I got so angry when my mom told me the news. All I wanted to do was scream. The thought of having to see my grandma every single day was terrifying. My life had gotten significantly more tough Loftus 3 at that point. When we moved in, I stayed in my room all the time. If I wasn't in my room, I was either at school or out with my friends. When dinner was ready I ate with my head down. Not speaking to or looking at anyone. My mom caught on real quickly. I remember one night she pulled me into her bedroom after dinner and asked me why I was acting so strangely.I poured my heart out and told her everything I was going through. She told me, â€Å"You need to stop hating your grandmother. She is getting older and her health is declining. She won't be here one day and you're going to regret not having a good relationship with her. You don't have to go to church every Sunday. You don't even need to go to religion class. You just need to respect the fact that your grandmother is just leading you by example. That's how she was raised. So, you need to stop getting angry at her and you need to start building a better relationship with her. That is the night that things got better. Every time I want to get angry with my grandma I remember what my mom told me and I haven't gotten angry with her since. I never got my faith back and there are still some things I can't tell my grandmother due to her being so religious. I would love to tell her that I'm engaged but, I can't because I'm a homosexual and I'm sure she'd disown me. But despite that, my grandmother and I are now on good terms. We talk on the phone more often since I moved away and I plan on visiting her whenever I make my trips back home.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Assignment Devry

While genetic engineering is only being applied at crops at the moment, one has to wonder how long it will be before humans are unethically engineered and what will be the implication of such actions. An analysis of science fiction films, where genetic engineering is applied could provide a view Into the Implications of genetic engineer of humans on society. The popular science fiction film Cataract Is a perfect film to show the possible affects human genetic engineer could have on society. In Cattle the technology to engineer people to near perfection has been made possible and the fate of everyone is known at the very moment of birth.The number of genetically enhanced humans is far rater than the number of natural born people, which has lead to a new form of social segregation. The film follows the life of one of the few of the natural born humans, named Vincent. Being a natural born, Vincent does not have many options and even worse he is diagnosed with a severe heart condition. F rom the start, it would seem that society (even Vincent own farther) would not consider him worthy of their attention. The only person that actually seemed to care about Vincent was his mother, who actually seemed to disapprove of the genetic engineer being done.One as to feel bad for Vincent and others like him, because nobody seemed to want anything to do with him. The schools would not accept him, because of his heart condition and his own farther did not consider Vincent worthy to care his name. Vincent parents eventually have another child who Is genetically altered: this son would be superior to Vincent in every way possible and the father would consider him worthy of his name. The film presents several important and very symbolic scenes, where Vincent and his brother Anton compete in swimming.Throughout their childhood, Anton would always win without ever having to give any effort. One day something Impossible happened Vincent the Imperfect natural born beat his perfectly gen etically engineered brother. Years later, Vincent and Anton compete once more and when Vincent wins, he says he is able to do it, because he never saves anything for the swim back. One could view the swimming scenes as a metaphor for life. In life people have to compete against the forces of nature and others. Some people seem to be given everything on a silver platter, while others are given nothing.Just because mom people are given everything, It does not mean that those less fortunate cannot succeed. Violent Is a perfect example AT ten previous example; even tongs Nils brother is genetically superior, Vincent is able to beat his brother by training and working for his goals every day. Another interesting point of the film is the character Irene. Even with societies great technology there is still the possibility of errors and Irene is the best example of this statement. Irene is one of the many â€Å"perfect† beings except for one minor flaw, she has a heart murmur.This he art murmur proves that regardless of all of the advances made in technology cannot guarantee perfection 100% of the time. One has to feel for Irene, because despite being genetically engineered to near perfection she is not accepted by her fellow genetically altered brothers and sisters. The last significant character in the film is Jerome. Jerome is another one of the perfectly genetically engineered people, but he is described as being the best of the best. Unfortunately for Jerome, being perfectly engineered does not mean he would be successful at everything or that he would live a perfect life.Jerome had apparently laced second place once, which apparently demoralized him to the extent of attempting suicide. Groomer's attempt of suicide was unsuccessful and it resulted in him becoming paralyzed, which would make him the perfect partner for Vincent. Groomer's final action in the film is interesting, but not surprising. Jerome had tried to kill himself once before and it would onl y be a matter of time before he would try again. The ending of the film was the most informative and fascinating part of the whole film.When Vincent is his heading for the space shuttle he is given a surprise gene inspection by the doctor. Vincent does not have any of Groomer's blood/urine samples and so it would seem that he is caught. Surprisingly, the doctor who conducted all of the testing on Vincent knew he was an In-Valid the entire time. The doctor let Vincent pass, because he had a son that apparently was an In-valid. In conclusion, it is apparent that Andrew Niccole, the director of Cattle, does not approve of genetic engineering. Niccole uses his film to paint the bleak picture of the future of genetic engineering.Now some people may doubt the relevance a film may eave on real world situations, but there are plenty of writers, scientist, and even scholars who would disapprove of genetic engineering. Victor Mafia wrote that genetic engineer would create a risk that the info rmation discovered from genetic engineering would create a form of discrimination in the workforce (Mafia, 2001, p. 83). This fact is evident from the film Cattle. Discrimination in the workforce has always been a problem in the past and it would seem like the problem may evolve if genetic engineering becomes possible.Elizabeth Fenton, a philosopher, believes that genetic engineering will lead to the reaction of a new sub-species of humans and that the differences between the two species would lead one species to enslave or destroy the other (Fenton , 2008, p. 8). While in the film the enhanced beings never directly enslaved or destroyed the naturals, the naturals would never be more than lower class individuals. While there are plenty of people who argue against genetic engineering, there are still a few people who say that genetic engineering can have a place in the world. Clifton E.

History and Treatment Recommendations of a Substance Abusing Individual Essay

Chemical Use Assessment/History and Treatment Recommendations Upon careful review of Jay W’s case study, a client who is potentially suffering from a substance abuse disorder, it is deemed necessary to examine his history, compose a chemical use assessment, and devise a recommended treatment plan that will determine his clinical needs. Upon assessing the client, it is vital that he be examined holistically for better recovery results. Considering his spiritual, genetic, and psychosocial conditions will help to ensure a more accurate analysis of his current situation. Only then can it be determined if Jay W is in use, abuse, or an addictive cycle. Reason for Assessment During the case study of Jay W. it is noted that he was referred to my office by his parents for a clinical assessment. Once a commendable student with excellent grades, his grades began to dwindle after reaching college. He eventually failed his first year of college as a result of his poor grades. Jay’s parents Don W. who is a neurosurgeon and his mother Beth W. who is a research scientist, is seeking help for their son because they are concerned that his heavy drinking is the cause of his flunking. They believe that if he does not get help, it could very well damage his future goals of becoming a chemical engineer. Sources of Information During the verbal intake of Jay W.’s case, his father Don W. and his mother Beth W. were present along with Jay W., to provide all of the details of his need for assessment. Secondary sources that has been carefully reviewed and used in making a determination includes, Doweiko, H. E. (2012). Concepts of chemical dependency (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. May, G. G. (1991). Addiction & grace: Love and spirituality in the healing of addictions. New York: HarperOne, Clinton, T., & Hawkins, R. (2009). The quick-reference  guide to biblical counseling: Personal and emotional issues. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. Hawkins, R. (2009). Theology and Addiction, Clinton, T. (2009). Addiction and Recovery Background Information Jay W. was born May 2, 1994, to Don and Beth W. The pregnancy was reportedly normal with no complications to the labor and delivery. Jay W. met all his developmental milestones early and was described as an advanced baby. Jay reportedly excelled in school with needing very little effort to maintain a straight-A report card, even in the gifted and talented program. The current school year, he flunked out of his first year in college. His parents are concerned about his drinking and how it appears to be interfering with his aspirations of being a chemical engineer. He states that he does not believe his drinking is the issue with his grades in college. Instead he assumes that boredom is the sole reason that his grades are failing. He also adds that his professors do not really know as much as they think they do. He even admits sometimes he just does not feel like going to class because it is â€Å"dumb.† As stated by his parents, Jay began drinking at the age of 12 years old. He totaled his first vehicle two weeks after his sixteenth birthday. Jay lost his driver’s license at that time and was charged with a DUI. Shortly after, Jay and both of his parents began attending AA together, but Jay dropped out after 3 months. Jay states he stopped going because, â€Å"all they talk about is war stories.† Jay does admit to blackouts, drinking more than he intends to, and does seem to recognize that many of his friends have similar drinking patterns as he. He also reports a recent break up with his girlfriend of 2 years. He states he truly loves this girl, but she broke up with him because â€Å"she doesn’t like my friends.† He reports spending an average of $75 a week on beer, and his money does not always last until the end of the month. He attributes that to his parents not giving him enough money. He states they only give him $1,000 a month. Jay states he is willing to come to counseling but does not think he has a drinking problem, but he would like to figure out how to â€Å"win† his girlfriend back. Current Status Out of reluctance, Jay has decided to proceed with obtaining clinical treatment. He realizes that if he doesn’t, his parents will no longer fund his college tuition. He also admits to currently drinking at least a 12 pack of beer on the weekends. He qualifies his actions by mentioning that his friends assists him with drinking the beer. He also does admit that his weekends sometimes start on Thursdays and don’t end until Mondays. He states that he does not believe his drinking is the issue with his grades in college. He states he just gets bored in classes and his professors do not really know as much as they think they do. He states sometimes he just does not feel like going to class because it is â€Å"dumb.† Jay does admit to blackouts, drinking more than he intends to, and does seem to recognize that many of his friends have similar drinking patterns as he. Indicators of Use/Abuse/Dependency Addiction can manifest in the form of obsessive or compulsive behaviors. Overtime, over indulgence can cause a dependency to obtain more of the physical or chemical substance. Behaviors that can produce fear and/or excitement are factors that can lead to addictive behaviors (Doweiko, 2012). When there is an addiction, usually a manifestation of withdrawal symptoms will be evidenced when the source of addiction is absent. Abuse is usually evidenced when a substance is taken in disregard for directions or one’s well-being (Doweiko, 2012). Attitudes and Behavior After careful review of Jay W.’s objective data found in his case study, it is apparent that Mr. W is in denial about his drinking problem. He appears reluctant to obtain treatment and is nonchalant in his attitude and behavior. He admittingly says he stopped attending AA because, â€Å"all they talk about is war stories.† Upon further subjective analysis, it seems that my client views his drinking with an â€Å"everybody else is doing it mentality.† This is evidenced by his reference to drinking as a â€Å"typical teenage behavior† as well as his assertion that his parents overreacted to his suspended license because he has several friends who has lost theirs also as if it’s a â€Å"normal† thing to do. He also seems to be irresponsible for his actions and constantly shifts blame on others for his current problems. He blames his parents for not giving him enough money instead of focusing on  the fact that he is spending at least 75$ a week on beer. He also shifts the blame of his failing school on the inability of his professors to engage him cognitively and even claims that the classes are â€Å"dumb.† Jay W. appears saddened by the breakup with his girlfriend of 2 years and sincerely wants to â€Å"win† her back. As Dr. Clinton states in Addictions and Recovery â€Å"the tragedy of addiction is that is destroys, individuals, families, and friendships† (2009). Social Functioning Drinking appears to be a social activity for Jay W. he states that his friends assist him with drinking the 12 pack case of beer that he usually buys on the weekend. He also has mentioned that several of his friends have lost their licenses, implying that it is also a result of obtaining DUI’s. Jay goes even further by acknowledging the fact that many of his friends have similar drinking patterns as he does. Apparently his ex-girlfriend of two years had many complaints about the â€Å"bad† company that he was keeping. Jay doesn’t take heed and loses her through a breakup instead. According to Doweiko, the consumption of alcohol can interfere with one’s social relationships by making preexisting one’s worse (2012). This is due to an adverse effect on judgment which causes a lack of control of one’s behavior. Irritability, black outs, and lying are only a few of the manifestations of alcohol addiction. The Psychosocial Models of Substance Use D isorders is another type of model of addiction. It is believed to be closely linked to the medical model (Doweko, 2012). It is proposed that addictions are â€Å"learned behavior, poor psychosocial functioning, or the result of maladaptive thinking† (Doiewko, 2012, p. 345), all in which are manifestations of a biological dysfunction. Occupational Functioning Jay W., although obviously an intelligent guy (evidenced by his excellent grades in the gifted and talented program), has just flunked out of his first year of college. His future career goals are dwindling because of the negative choices that he is making. Booze and negative social relationships have become distractions that steered him off the path of success that he once embarked upon. A repetitive cycle of partying Thursday till Monday and trying to maintain normalcy (crashing is also an option) Tuesday and Wednesday is ongoing. It is possible that he is traveling down the road of  addiction. Those who are bound by abuse can live unfocused and disoriented lives. Over time, this can lead to divorce, job loss, and even the loss of child custody. Although drug abuse may be a one-time event, if one is not careful, the behavior can lead one down the path of addiction as in Jay’s case. It appears that he have a natural proclivity towards abuse and addiction because his father Don also had a drinking problem. Dr. Clinton tells us in the video presentation that some of the effects of addiction includes: â€Å"control problems, compulsiveness, narrowing focus, denial, tolerance and withdrawal† (Clinton, 2009). We see many of these components in Jay’s occupational functioning. Financial Aspects When examining Jay W’s financial condition, it is obvious that he is mismanaging his money. His parents was giving him a 1,000 monthly stipend, and he blew at least $75 per week of it on beer. His excessive spending habits have created a deficit towards necessary items. Instead of accepting responsibility for misappropriating funds, he blames his parents for not giving him enough money. Alcohol abuse often tends to cause make financial problems worse or either create new ones. Sadly, not only the abuser can suffer financially, but oftentimes his or her immediate family suffers as well. This usually occurs when monetary restrictions are placed on the abuser/addict to control his or her spending. This can force the abuser to start borrowing elsewhere, stealing and/or selling others belongings to obtain money so that the addicted habit can be sustained (Doweko, 2012). Familial Relationships The medical model of substance use disorders (SUD) have suggested that the dysfunction have occurred on either a cellular or molecular level and that one is biologically predisposed to alcoholism when he or she is exposed to certain environments (Doweko, 2012). Jay W. has been exposed to alcohol through his father Don who is a neurosurgeon. Jay perhaps saw how he was able to get drunk and yet go to work and carry on a seemingly normal life. Don was described by his wife Beth as a â€Å"functional alcoholic,† displaying heaving drinking patterns and binge drinking when he was not on call. Jay’s parents seems to be very supportive of him though. His father was willing to give up drinking and both he and his wife joined AA along with Jay. Even  when he dropped out after 3 months, they continued going to both AA and Al-Anon. It also appears that Jay W. has a genetic predisposition of alcohol abuse/addiction. Both Beth and Don have fathers that were alcoholics. Various gen es have been identified by researchers and believed to have an influence in predisposing individuals to substance use disorders. Jay W. familial relationship is starting to reveal the beginning stages of strain. He is claiming that they are overreacting and also accuses them of not giving them enough money. Often, family members of an alcohol abuser/addict report feelings of fear, shame, grief or other negative emotion when dealing with him or her (Doweiko, 2012). When the addict is confronted about their drinking behavior, conflict typically arises causing the familial relationship to be strained. Legal History Jay W is starting to have run in’s with the law. According to his parents, he totaled his vehicle two weeks after his 16th birthday. This incident caused the police to get involved. Jay inevitably was charged with a DUI and his driver’s license was revoked. His buddies seem to have frequent encounters with law enforcement. Jay has started to defend his and his friends’ behaviors and suggest that it’s typical. Jay is â€Å"destined to misunderstand the story [he] finds himself in† (Clinton & Hawkins, 2009) he has become irrational in his behaviors by accusing his parents of overreacting to his license being revoked. Health History Jay W. seems to have a pretty clean health history. Thus far, no incidents have been reported. When he was born on May 2, 1991 there were no complications to the labor and delivery. He was considered very advanced for his age due to the fact that he had met all his developmental milestones early. Alcoholism can cause both short-term and long-term problems. Some of the short-term manifestations includes diarrhea, poor coordination and judgment, insomnia, as well as stomach problems (Doweiko, 2012). Some of the long-term problems includes: liver problems, cirrhosis of the liver, mental disorders, malnutrition, impotence, among a host of others (Doweiko, 2012). Spiritual History The spiritual model of addiction assumes that addiction is derived from a sickness of one’s spirit that has possibly manifested in a physical manner. It is mankind’s way of searching for something to feel a void and escape pain and or discontentment that can often come with daily living (Doweiko, 2012). It is Jay’s first year in college. It’s possible that he wants to fit in and gain the approval of his peers instead of being a loner. Acceptance and the need to feel â€Å"cool† and included seems to have taken precedent over anything else. It’s how he gains his identity. He gets involved with the wrong group and starts being influenced by their deviant ways. Now, he’s saddened by the fact that his girlfriend has broken up with him. He has also just flunked out of his first year of college. All of these â€Å"rock-bottom† experiences can easily trigger the addiction cycle. It is characterized by: pain, hitting bottom, seeking rel ief, use or do, feeling good, crashing, cycles back to pain, and then tolerance. It is obvious that Jay W. is starting to undergo this cycle of addiction. Alcohol’s deceptive illusion of giving Jay control and euphoria keeps him on the wheel. Diagnostic Impressions From all that has been gleaned from Jay W’s case study, it is safe to say that he is â€Å"at risk† for developing a substance use disorder. He is clearly on his way of having a drinking problem. Although he is displaying early problem alcohol usage if he is not careful, he could very well develop an addictive disorder. While evaluating Jay W to get a better diagnostic impression, it is necessary that I use the Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R) test on the client (Hawkins, 2009). This test is composed of three categories of assessment: 1.) interpersonal or affective defects; 2.) social deviance; and 3.) additional items such as unstable relationships, etc (Hawkins, 2009). The PCL-R Test will provide a better analysis of root causes of the client’s delinquent acts as well as to help identify prevailing risk factors. By identifying these risk factors, intervention strategies can be developed to counteract these risk factors. The following are a list of dynamic risk factors that has been identified and needs addressing: problem solving/impulsivity poor social/family relationships antisocial associates/attitudes alcohol & substance abuse Recommendations Based on the risk factors identified, the following recommendations have been made for Jay W.: Problem solving/impulsivity Habitually, Jay W. will be expected to attend group therapy where he will learn to think through decisions before moving impulsively. He will be given various scenarios in which he will have to explain how he should handle those situations appropriately. Role-playing will be a part of his therapy. For example, instead of not going to class because they are â€Å"boring,† he can try to get in more advanced classes if they are available. It could be that he’s bored because he is not being challenged enough. He will be expected to work through all possible options and their consequences before making a decision. Poor social/family relationships Since Jay W. ex-girlfriend seems to be a good influence on him, their relationship should be encouraged. A relationship coach will be provided to assist him with maintaining healthy relationships. Hopefully, if all goes well, he will do what it takes to â€Å"win† her back (hanging around more positive people). Antisocial associates/attitudes Jay W. will have access to a mentor who will confront his antisocial behaviors and attitudes and challenging him to participate in healthy functions and associating with positive people. The mentor will do habitual check-ins with the client and provide one on one time when needed to help him work through his feelings. Alcohol Abuse Frequent alcohol tests will be conducted on the client. If at any point alcohol is found in his system, he will be required to attend an alcohol rehabilitation program. According to Dr. Hawkins, recovery is an inside out issue requiring the Holy Spirit (Hawkins, 2009). In order for Jay W to function optimally, his â€Å"human will must act in concert with divine will.† (May, 1991, p.178). He needs to have a divine encounter with God so that he can know who he is through Christ. In Addiction and Grace it is stated that â€Å"the alignment of our will with God’s must happen at a heart level† (May, 1991, p.178). Jay must first admit that he has a problem and needs help. References Clinton, T. (2009). Addiction and Recovery Clinton, T., & Hawkins, R. (2009). The quick-reference guide to biblical counseling: Personal and emotional issues. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. Doweiko, H. E. (2012). Concepts of chemical dependency (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. Hawkins, R. (2009). Theology and Addiction May, G. G. (1991). Addiction & grace: Love and spirituality in the healing of addictions. New York: HarperOne,

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Are Ghosts Real or Not

Ghosts are real. First, the most important thing to know is that ghosts are just human beings not living in physical bodies. These are people just like you and me. Like people everywhere, ghosts can be friendly, scary, smart, and stupid and everything in between, but they're just people. Both skeptics and ardent believers in the paranormal admit that supernatural and unexplainable activity—sightings of ghost, spirit and/or aliens is on the rise. If there is no supernatural, what are these apparitions?Millions of eager viewers are gobbling up popular movies such as Ghost, Casper the Friendly Ghost, Beetle juice, Ghost Rider, and Ghost Busters. Video fantasy and arcade games featuring ghosts, skeletons, and mummies and beings alive after death are the rage. ? The most logical place to go to get the facts about supernatural things is the Bible. the one authority on things that cannot be seen or explained by natural earthly laws. And indeed, the Bible does indicate that paranorma l activity and interest in the spirit world would increase at the very end of time.Even more alarmingly, the Bible warns that these spirits will lure multitudes into world wide deception. â€Å"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. † Revelation 16:13-14. With this in mind, how vital it is that we understand what the Bible says about ghosts, spirits, and the afterlife. ___________________ Bruce A. Moen, Voyage Beyond Doubt , (1996-2003) http://www. afterlife-knowledge. com/bnddoubt. html ? Ghosts are the mind's way of interpreting how the body reacts to certain surroundings, say UK psychologists. A chill in the air, low-light conditions and even magnetic fields may trigger feel ings that â€Å"a presence† is in a room – but that is all they are, feelings. This explanation of ghosts the result of a large study which researchers led hundreds of volunteers around two of the U.K’s supposedly most haunted locations – Hampton Court Palace, England, and the South Bridge Vaults in Edinburgh, Scotland. Dr Richard Wiseman, of the University of Hertfordshire, and his colleagues say their work has thrown up some interesting data to suggest why so many people can be spooked in the same building but provides no evidence that ghosts are real. Science accept it will never know everything about the universe. Science also accepts that without evidence there is no knowledge, only guesses. Ghosts might exist, so might Bigfoot, Nessie, and David Icke. We need evidence to demonstrate it, though.The possibility is not enough to warrant belief, as a whole bunch of things could be possible – science is the system of weeding out the actual from th e possible. ____________________ ? http://www. bookrags. com/researchtopics/ghosts/sub7. html Lights turning off and on – likewise, these events are seldom seen actually occurring, but the lights are switched on or off when the experiencer knows they were not left that way. This can also happen with TVs, radios and other electrically powered items. Unexplained shadows – the sighting of fleeting shapes and shadows, usually seen out of the corner of the eye.This phenomenon has also been discussed in some detail in â€Å"Shadow People. † Strange animal behavior – a dog, cat or other pet behaves strangely. Dogs may bark at something unseen, cower without apparent reason or refuse to enter a room they normally do. Cats may seem to be â€Å"watching† something cross a room. Feelings of being watched – this is not an uncommon feeling and can be attributed to many things, but it could have a paranormal source if the feeling consistently occurs in a particular part of the house at a particular time. hearing a door open or close is one thing. Actually seeing it happen is quite another. Feelings of being touched – the feeling of being watched is one thing, and actually feeling like you are being touched is quite another. Some people feel something brush past them, something touching their hair or â€Å"a hand† on the shoulder. Cries and whispers – on occasion, muffled voices, whispering and crying can be heard. Sometimes it's music from some unknown source.Cold or hot spots – cold spots are classic haunting symptoms, but any instance of a noticeable variance in temperature without a discernable cause could be evidence. Unexplained smells – the distinct fragrance of a perfume or cologne that you do not have in your house. Physical assault – scratches, slaps and hard shoves. This kind of personal assault is extremely rare, but obviously highly disturbing. Other physical evidence – un explained writing on paper or walls; handprints and footprints. Apparitions – physical manifestation of a spirit or entity. Are Ghosts Real or Not Ghosts are real. First, the most important thing to know is that ghosts are just human beings not living in physical bodies. These are people just like you and me. Like people everywhere, ghosts can be friendly, scary, smart, and stupid and everything in between, but they're just people. Both skeptics and ardent believers in the paranormal admit that supernatural and unexplainable activity—sightings of ghost, spirit and/or aliens is on the rise. If there is no supernatural, what are these apparitions?Millions of eager viewers are gobbling up popular movies such as Ghost, Casper the Friendly Ghost, Beetle juice, Ghost Rider, and Ghost Busters. Video fantasy and arcade games featuring ghosts, skeletons, and mummies and beings alive after death are the rage. ? The most logical place to go to get the facts about supernatural things is the Bible. the one authority on things that cannot be seen or explained by natural earthly laws. And indeed, the Bible does indicate that paranorma l activity and interest in the spirit world would increase at the very end of time.Even more alarmingly, the Bible warns that these spirits will lure multitudes into world wide deception. â€Å"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. † Revelation 16:13-14. With this in mind, how vital it is that we understand what the Bible says about ghosts, spirits, and the afterlife. ___________________ Bruce A. Moen, Voyage Beyond Doubt , (1996-2003) http://www. afterlife-knowledge. com/bnddoubt. html ? Ghosts are the mind's way of interpreting how the body reacts to certain surroundings, say UK psychologists. A chill in the air, low-light conditions and even magnetic fields may trigger feel ings that â€Å"a presence† is in a room – but that is all they are, feelings. This explanation of ghosts the result of a large study which researchers led hundreds of volunteers around two of the U.K’s supposedly most haunted locations – Hampton Court Palace, England, and the South Bridge Vaults in Edinburgh, Scotland. Dr Richard Wiseman, of the University of Hertfordshire, and his colleagues say their work has thrown up some interesting data to suggest why so many people can be spooked in the same building but provides no evidence that ghosts are real. Science accept it will never know everything about the universe. Science also accepts that without evidence there is no knowledge, only guesses. Ghosts might exist, so might Bigfoot, Nessie, and David Icke. We need evidence to demonstrate it, though.The possibility is not enough to warrant belief, as a whole bunch of things could be possible – science is the system of weeding out the actual from th e possible. ____________________ ? http://www. bookrags. com/researchtopics/ghosts/sub7. html Lights turning off and on – likewise, these events are seldom seen actually occurring, but the lights are switched on or off when the experiencer knows they were not left that way. This can also happen with TVs, radios and other electrically powered items. Unexplained shadows – the sighting of fleeting shapes and shadows, usually seen out of the corner of the eye.This phenomenon has also been discussed in some detail in â€Å"Shadow People. † Strange animal behavior – a dog, cat or other pet behaves strangely. Dogs may bark at something unseen, cower without apparent reason or refuse to enter a room they normally do. Cats may seem to be â€Å"watching† something cross a room. Feelings of being watched – this is not an uncommon feeling and can be attributed to many things, but it could have a paranormal source if the feeling consistently occurs in a particular part of the house at a particular time. hearing a door open or close is one thing. Actually seeing it happen is quite another. Feelings of being touched – the feeling of being watched is one thing, and actually feeling like you are being touched is quite another. Some people feel something brush past them, something touching their hair or â€Å"a hand† on the shoulder. Cries and whispers – on occasion, muffled voices, whispering and crying can be heard. Sometimes it's music from some unknown source.Cold or hot spots – cold spots are classic haunting symptoms, but any instance of a noticeable variance in temperature without a discernable cause could be evidence. Unexplained smells – the distinct fragrance of a perfume or cologne that you do not have in your house. Physical assault – scratches, slaps and hard shoves. This kind of personal assault is extremely rare, but obviously highly disturbing. Other physical evidence – un explained writing on paper or walls; handprints and footprints. Apparitions – physical manifestation of a spirit or entity.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

What I will accomplish in This Course

In this semester I would like to improve and develop my English writing and reading skills thru English 122. English 122 is not only just a requirement for transferring to four-year institution, but also a benefit for my whole life. My ultimate goal is going to medical school in order to become a doctor in the United States, I believe what I am learning in English 122 will make a significant contribution to my career Writing is not just simply communicating ideas or expressing thoughts on paper; writing skill is essential because a person’s intelligence and personality can be seen and judged thru the paper he or she writes. Most importantly, good writing skill is essential to job interview. It is not avoidable that all the occupations need good writing to connect to employers and clients. If there is any misunderstanding between either clients or employers due to poor writing, it’s possible to loose jobs or contracts. As an international student, I never took neither English 116 nor English 118 during any semester in order to take English 122. In fact, the high school I graduated from had already prepared me to be eligible to take college level English class. One of the best parts of what I had learned in US high school is acknowledging grammar structure. When every time I take a look on my paper over and over, I can always tell where my grammar errors are and make corrections. For me personally, grammar is just made of a series of rules that I can easily memorize and go easy on it. On the other hand, I clearly feel myself lack of words through my essays, even though I am able to interpret things in simple ways. However, there is a big difference between college and high school writing and I believe that college level writing requires more sophisticated process and technique. If my essay is lack of words, specifically vocabulary and transition, the whole paper may not be interpreted that well. Another weakness I am very concerning is that I am not good at reasoning, a good paper must need to persuade readers to totally agree with my point of view. And I know my own explanation is not good enough to support my ideas. Applying to writing skills to real life, for instance, to medical school, neither scientific journals nor lab report can be presented verbally, both types of document must be written in sophisticate language. To let my professors and readers easily understand what I am trying to interpret, I definitely need a strong writing structure built up. And college level writing will build me the fundamental part in order to prepare for further education even job applications. Although I am in science major, I don’t want to think nor write as a scientist. Everything is not always static, so is the language. There might be a certain discipline in my paper but what I really want to learn from Mr. Leal is to think more critically, not simply just analyzing ideas of article, but also be able to stand on the other side to question the author.